The future of work.

We face new ways of communication because technology allowed it and we need to find the right tools. Human interactions only happen in virtual spaces, causing communication and meeting overloads. This is due to knowledge gaps or poor decision-making frameworks. There’s also an infinite amount of tools and methodologies. Most importantly, there’s a lacking sense of belonging within teams and organizations.

Today, to satisfy the need to connect multiple moving parts, teams rely on external tools to build processes. However, there are significant drawbacks to this approach. Each time they switch tools, they have to learn again and move their data, resulting in the loss of valuable insights. They also have to negotiate budgets with finance and wait for weeks, or even months, to see the return on their investment.

The starting point to solve this pain is integrating with all the core tools teams use today to handle their async communication without the struggle of endless migrations. Shifting the attention from migrations to integrations will allow leaders to keep their eye on what matters and keep teams focused on the actual work, not the admin. The major challenge is securing personal and corporate data to allow everyone to interact with the company data and integrations without creating liabilities. Usually, this responsibility falls out of the knowledge and scope of work of teams and leaders. Solving the data integration challenges establishes the foundation for everyone to feel free to contribute without the risks.

While integrations are enough, team understanding through data observation requires different levels of customization. Each team is unique, and mapping their workflows is the best way to learn about their distinctive characteristics. At the same time, to help teams reach a high level of trust, everyone should be able to collaborate at all levels to improve processes. And finally, teams do not need more communication; they need less. Instead of relying on stale processes and documents that are short-lived, workflows are a reflection of what is happening within a team right now. Ideally, the team updates workflows as they grow or as something changes. To solve the job of manually managing the setup of each workflow according to what a team needs, we see a path relying on AI Agents to eliminate the admin. Each workflow will adapt dynamically with a minimum of human oversight.

However, the ability to integrate and understand the team data with dynamically adaptable workflows without an adequate user experience would create yet another tool to learn. To address this challenge, we are building easy, no-code tools to compose and intentionally removing unnecessary clutter that external tools usually bring. This allows teams to create their stack on top of their data without worrying about losing everything if your team changes providers. It also allows every team member to collaborate easily on a multi-player style whenever needed, with the addition of easily sharing processes across teams.

With this new setup, teams can understand what works for them and what does not. Combining the team’s workflows and data will allow everyone to extract and share insights across teams. In addition, by using feedback loops, teams can learn and adapt to changes. And simplifying the access to company data using LLMs lets everyone help build the necessary processes.

In the future, more companies with smaller teams will work distributedly. Collaboration, belonging, and efficiency challenges will be at the center of work. Instead of being distracted by the admin of managing communication, we are building the tools to allow teams to focus on their dynamics and processes while building the company culture simultaneously. Everyone will be able to contribute to the company culture transparently while building trust, making organizations more robust and, hopefully, making businesses more resilient to failure.

In summary:

  1. Make it easier for distributed teams to understand each other by putting all communication tools in one place
  2. Use AI Agents to map and adapt to each team’s workflows based on their needs
  3. Use no-code to improve the user experience and enhance collaboration across teams
  4. Train models to learn about team characteristics while solving the above. These models will provide the right solution for every team stage over time
  5. Finally, support leaders and organizations to build a bottom-up culture.

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